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Photo of The Week

Now most photographers us modified camera’s to shoot infrared but in this case I didn’t. I shot my photo like you would with anything else and all I did was put it through photoshop then this is what I got. I didn’t use an infrared filter for this because of the limitations of the filter. Know when using the filter you have to keep your camera on a tripod just beacuse when you go to put the infrared filter on, you can’t focus your camera anymore. So it’s always a good thing to focus in on your subject with the camera before you put the filter on becuase when you look at the filter it just looks pur black. With most infrared filters the whole scene just loos red when you put it into photoshop but this isn’t a problem. now with the more expensive filters comes of a better effect that you get with the infrared filter then you do with the cheeper one’s. All I can say is if you like infrared photography it’s easyer to modifie your camera to shoot infrared then using a filter because of the limitations of just using a tripod with the filter or there is the easyist way and that is using photoshop and getting that normal photo that you took and turning it into an infrared photo, which you can easily see, that I did with my photo at the top with photoshop.

Infrared Photography

Infrared photography has become an interesting thing over these past few years. NASA has already been using it for their latest satellite, the spitzer space telescope, which has extented our knowledge of space. Infrared isn’t the most widely use of photography out there but in my own words I will tell you that you will be suprised at what you can come up with. Evan today infrared photography is starting to take ground with the modifications that you can do with your camera today. Although most photographers use filters or even photoshop to make there photo’s infrared, most photographers would rather modify their camera’s so that your not on a tripod and waiting 1 to 30 seconds to get that picture like you would with an infrared filter.