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Comeparing Camera Brands

I’ll be comparing the nikon camera’s to the canon camera’s from which one is best, all the way up to the price range.

This comparision will take sometime for me to write. but it will get done.

Nikon D3200

I don’t have the D3200 but it is two steps ahead of my D3000 that I have. For someone that is just starting out in photography, I do recommend this camera for any starter. With a 24.2 megapixel sensor, This is good for portraits because in my book the more megapixels the camera has the better chances are that when you blow the portrait up, it won’t be that much pixelated. This camera like mine has all the same buttons but has more features like the added HD 1080p video.

I’m going to compare the D5100 and the D3200. The thing that draws me in to the camera is the video use and how many megapixels there are. Now there are more megapixels in the D3200 then in the D5100 and they both shoot video but when shooting for picture then that’s when the D5100 gets an advantage and I’ll tell you why. The D5100 has a swivel screen which allows you to get low and high shots plus to add to that you don’t need to get a protective screen for it because you can swivel the screen where it’s facing the camera and with this it’s protected. But don’t let this fool you. You get better quality on the D3200 with it’s 24.2 megapixel sensor. The other thing that the D5100 has over the D3200 is that the D5100 can do the exposure bracketing while the D3200 doesn’t.

All together, I would just recommend the Nikon D3200 for the person that is just strating out in photography. But I will recommend also the D5100, if your the person that takes photo’s in a way where you can’t get with the D3200, with swivel screen.

For more information on these two camera’s you can go to

Macro Photography

Macro photography has been of an interest to me for a while now. I’ve taken some shots with my 18-55 mm lens and their not exactly the best of macro shots. This flower isn’t the best for Macro Photography but it’s in that range, scoring from 1 to 10, a 5 or 4.

Real Micro Photography, depending on the lens, would make it in closer then what you see in the picture above with the flower. A good macro lens will get you as close as lookingat an ant like in the photo below.

The one with the ants is not my photo. I’m just using it as an example for good Macro Photography.

Amazing Water Trick

I give credit to this guy  (BRUSSPUP) on youtube for this amazing video. I don’t know if this video is fake or not but it’s a good illusion. Who heard of water that stay’s in midair.

You have to see it to believe it. Rather this is video editing done to the extreme or that this is real. that is for you to decide.

Boats and Marina’s

I was out taking some picture’s for my final four assignment and I found some great shot that I would like to share. To get these pictures I had to stay on land or stand on the marina to get the photo’s. I didn’t have the money to buy or rent scuba diving gear to get the boat from under water, which I would of liked to get very much. But I guess I got the pictures that I wanted to get. Shooting inside the boats are more different then getting them when your out of them. When your in the boat you get hte feeling of what the boat has been through and you see the inside structure of the boat and how it might of have been made.

I have to do all my photo’s in HDR for my final four assignment and I kind of like it. When you see things on a normal photo, you don’t see things like you would nomally do in HDR. WHen the photo’s are in HDR, you can see almost everything like for example the picture about. I took this picture on a cloudy day and it this was a normal one then you wouldn’t be able to see the sky.

This one was also taken and converted to HDR. With this one I tryed all kinds of angles but this one was the most favorite of them all.

Both of these photo’s were taken at lake sidney in Georgia


I’ve been trying to get to make some video’s for my youtube channel but I’ve been busy with school and a bunch of other things. I’ve been busy with the final four assignment. With this assignment we have to choose four of our best photo’s and the instructors say what is wrong and what they like about them. I mean it’s a learning experience. Although I’ve been busy with that, I’ve also been busy with the assignment in multimedia one. In this class, for our final, we have to create a video that’s 3 to 6 minutes and the theme is light. Although theme might sound hard but when you think about it, the smallist things are easy but the hard part is trying to connect the dots to form that one big thing. I just though this might help becuase like I said I have been busy with classes and everything else. I will post up the final four photo’s and the video. So in the meantime I’ll just be putting up random or not so random things.

Choosing The Right Lens

The right lens can make all the difference when trying to shoot a portrait or shoot a landscape. What most photographers use for landscapes is a wide angle lens which in this case for example if you had a nikon you my go with a nikon 35 mm f 1.8 lens and with this lens you can’t zoom and is fiz but this lens can be used for (correct me if I wrong) portraits and landscapes. Now personally I like the zoom lenses like the 18 – 55 mm lens and the 55-300 mm lens but that’s just me. I do also like the prim lenses but I don’t own any at the moment. I do like the specail lenses and what I mean by that is the fisheye lens which distorts the image. This lens can be used to unique images and even funny photo’s that only that lens can make.

First 4 x 5 Table Top

The 4 x 5 camera is a little different from what I’m use to shooting with my Nikon D3000 but the camera gets the job done. I don’t actually like shooting with the 4 x 5 just because it’s so heavy and takes so much time to setup. Now I do have patience with using the 4 x 5 but the only time I have is when I’m in a studio. This picture was for an assignment that we had to do involving the use of one studio light and a combination of reflectors to get the picture that we wanted. I did two camera’s just because that’s what I had on me. Now I could of went with this from a different angle but I think this works fine.

Stone Mountain

I was at Stone mountain the other day just out having fun. I went to the top of the mountain but at first I was just scared because when you look back your overwhelmed at how high your up and that’s how I was. I got a picture of atlanta seeing

that there were two parts of atlanta.

Usually Stone Mountain host a wide assortment of events but it was just one of those days where if you were going into stone mountain you were usually going to exercise or just wall around but took these pictures of the mountain.

I like this one because it reminds me of a dried up river going down the mountain.