Category Archives: video

Light Painting

Most photographers shoot at day but almost never at night. The only time photographers shoot at night would be getting that great shot of the milky way or the towns and citys and their streets lit up at night. I found this one man online showing how he gets photo at night then processes them through photoshop. It almost looks like it was photoshoped like copying and pasteing when it really was just a serise of photos and combines to form a single shot.


PC vs MAC. why are people saying PC is better then MAC or MAC is better then PC? it makes no sinse to argue over which one is better then the other. I would say PC is better for a couple of reason but I also would say the same thing for Mac. Now I’m a PC user for the reason that I have certain uses for it like gaming, making videos, photo editing, and ect. I have also used MAC for some of the other reasons like photo editing and making videos but to say about performance is a different matter. I will say that you can do a lot more with a PC then a MAC but at the same time MAC is built to where you can do much of the same things like photoshop or final cut but still limited to the number of programs that supports MAC this includes PC also. The only difference I see in these two is the operating systems, the prices, the performance and how and what your going to use them for. Now if your a photographer that owns a big company then you might go for MAC where as if you were going for PC then you might go tourge making games like bungie of some of these other big name companies. I can that it is better to find stuff on a PC where as on a MAC it’s harder to find stuff but wait a second this is because I have only a limited knowledge on how to use a MAC. It’s the same for anybody else like say if they were a MAC user and swiched over to PC and say they hate PC, then That’s just becuase that they don’t know how to use the PC yet. Know it all comes down to what your looking for in an operating system. Are you that person that only needs that system for gaming, photoshop, final cut, or just some of the other stuff that you do that makes your life easier. I will say this. With PC, you do need a lot of encyrption coding and virus protecting then you do on a MAC becuase on a MAC there isn’t that many viruses that can get into a MAC becuase theres hasn’t been that many unencryption codes to make a virus(es) for a MAC but as the MAC get more populer. This is when the MAC will be experiencing more viruses but you still can get a virus on any computer rather it’s a MAC or a PC. Another thing I want to point out is if your PC goes down or you just want to upgrade it then all you have to do is request an order online or go to the store for that particular item that you need for the system. Know with MAC you will have to send it back to apple to get it repaired and that is the one of the only draw back that I see with a MAC. The hole point of this is not to talk bad about PC or MAC is more like what your looking for in a system and what your uses are for that system.

For those of you who want to know more information on the MAC vs PC go to these weblinks and hear for yourself and you decides rather complaning over who is better then the other or is it a wast of time complaning over who is better then the other.

Here are the sites:

Chase Jarvis tips for photographers

I found this video and some of the other videos he’s made, so here the link to the video: