Category Archives: video

Amazing Water Trick

I give credit to this guy  (BRUSSPUP) on youtube for this amazing video. I don’t know if this video is fake or not but it’s a good illusion. Who heard of water that stay’s in midair.

You have to see it to believe it. Rather this is video editing done to the extreme or that this is real. that is for you to decide.

Stock Photography

Stock Photography has been around for a while now and it seems like that it’s not going anywhere for a while. Now with stock photography you can make money off of your own work plus while your selling some of your photos online this is also gets you noticed. But not in the way of artistic photos. Now I’m going to put up this video so that it might help you or maybe it won’t, I don’t know.

The hiker movie trailer

This is the movie trailer we did for our class project.

Example Movie Trailer

Me and my classmates hsve been making this movie trailer and it seems we just haven’t gotten anything done except for some shots we took. I just though I would put up this movie or show trailer so that they could get some ideas when we start editing the video into a trailer.

Movie Trailer of the Week

I would say this is one of the best trailers I’ve seen. The reason why I like it is because in this one show you have 5 to 8 seasons worth of episodes that have been put together to make this trailer.

Copyright on photo’s

As every professional photographer should know that copyright is a big deal. Now most people that post photo’s online don’t know that they should put some sort of protection on their photo’s. I put lot’s of protection or copyright in one photo that if you try to use one of my photo’s I will get an email saying hwho or what is using it. There are ways where you can use photoshop to add a watermark like what most photographers would do and then there is the metadata you can add to it to.

I’m providing a video below that will show you/y’all copyright protection.

Class video Assignment

I really thing that Me and my classmate’s did a good job on this video, although we all edited our own versions of the same video or videos we put together. This was just one of those assignment to show use what and how to do things if we were going to make a video like this. We are working on another assignment that involves use in groups making a movie trailer together. So this is my vision of the video, so I hope you/y’all enjoy the video.

Wish List

I’ve been wanting this new camera for a while.

Adding 3D Elements

Most of use know how to edit videos with the current technology and software we have today. Most of what people do is edit, maybe add some effects that came with the video editing software. But for the advanced editor that wants to give their videos that extra kick would implement some kind of 3D element into their video to make it more gratifying.

Timelapsed photography

We all go by our day not know what kind of world we live in. Most of the things we see are too fast to see with our own eye’s, so we use camera’s to capture those fast  moments in time that most of use don’t even pay attition to. We see lightning but since it go’s by so fast we only get a few seconds to have a glems of it. Now you can use a camera and take pictures every second  which will eventually make you tired  from doing it or you could use a device that presses the shutter in the camera every cupple of seconds and then there is the easy way with a high speed camera which will cost a cupple of hundred dollars. knowing what goes on in our world is what makes most of use curious about the world we live on.