Category Archives: Photo of the week

New Blog Site

I am in the process of making a new blog. I will post the new blogs link as soon as I get it up.

Comeparing Camera Brands

I’ll be comparing the nikon camera’s to the canon camera’s from which one is best, all the way up to the price range.

This comparision will take sometime for me to write. but it will get done.

Boats and Marina’s

I was out taking some picture’s for my final four assignment and I found some great shot that I would like to share. To get these pictures I had to stay on land or stand on the marina to get the photo’s. I didn’t have the money to buy or rent scuba diving gear to get the boat from under water, which I would of liked to get very much. But I guess I got the pictures that I wanted to get. Shooting inside the boats are more different then getting them when your out of them. When your in the boat you get hte feeling of what the boat has been through and you see the inside structure of the boat and how it might of have been made.

I have to do all my photo’s in HDR for my final four assignment and I kind of like it. When you see things on a normal photo, you don’t see things like you would nomally do in HDR. WHen the photo’s are in HDR, you can see almost everything like for example the picture about. I took this picture on a cloudy day and it this was a normal one then you wouldn’t be able to see the sky.

This one was also taken and converted to HDR. With this one I tryed all kinds of angles but this one was the most favorite of them all.

Both of these photo’s were taken at lake sidney in Georgia

First 4 x 5 Table Top

The 4 x 5 camera is a little different from what I’m use to shooting with my Nikon D3000 but the camera gets the job done. I don’t actually like shooting with the 4 x 5 just because it’s so heavy and takes so much time to setup. Now I do have patience with using the 4 x 5 but the only time I have is when I’m in a studio. This picture was for an assignment that we had to do involving the use of one studio light and a combination of reflectors to get the picture that we wanted. I did two camera’s just because that’s what I had on me. Now I could of went with this from a different angle but I think this works fine.

One of My Favorite Photo’s

This is not my photo. I am just giving credit to Angela B Pan on her outstanding photo of the capital. I don’t think I could ever capture something like this. I’ve looked at most of her photo’s on her website and all of them are just amazing. Here website is if anybody wants to look at her work.

Photo of The Week

Now most photographers us modified camera’s to shoot infrared but in this case I didn’t. I shot my photo like you would with anything else and all I did was put it through photoshop then this is what I got. I didn’t use an infrared filter for this because of the limitations of the filter. Know when using the filter you have to keep your camera on a tripod just beacuse when you go to put the infrared filter on, you can’t focus your camera anymore. So it’s always a good thing to focus in on your subject with the camera before you put the filter on becuase when you look at the filter it just looks pur black. With most infrared filters the whole scene just loos red when you put it into photoshop but this isn’t a problem. now with the more expensive filters comes of a better effect that you get with the infrared filter then you do with the cheeper one’s. All I can say is if you like infrared photography it’s easyer to modifie your camera to shoot infrared then using a filter because of the limitations of just using a tripod with the filter or there is the easyist way and that is using photoshop and getting that normal photo that you took and turning it into an infrared photo, which you can easily see, that I did with my photo at the top with photoshop.

Photo of The Week

I know this photo is a church or you might think this building is something else but what I can tell you is that while doing this HDR assignment for class, I was around a lot of carpenter bees.

Photo of the Week

This is my light painting assignment that I had to do for class. As you can see I did this in a graveyard at night in the freezing cold. I would say it was worth it because the next day it was going to rain so I only had one clear night to get this shot. I wanted to get the stars but instead I got little micro meteors coming into the atmosphere. And no this wasn’t as the sun was going down. it was done under an almost full moon.

Photo of the week

Warm and Cool Colors

Some people say different types of colors can invoke different emotions within a person. I do think this is somewhat true but not intirely. What I thing is that it’s what subject your looking at that gives off the emotional respone and with the addition of how bright the color is and what color it is. But you can’t mark out black and white becuase somethings look much more better in black and white then in color but color is what gives off that feeling rather it be anger, happiness, etc.