Category Archives: light painting

Photo of the Week

This is my light painting assignment that I had to do for class. As you can see I did this in a graveyard at night in the freezing cold. I would say it was worth it because the next day it was going to rain so I only had one clear night to get this shot. I wanted to get the stars but instead I got little micro meteors coming into the atmosphere. And no this wasn’t as the sun was going down. it was done under an almost full moon.

Light Painting

Most photographers shoot at day but almost never at night. The only time photographers shoot at night would be getting that great shot of the milky way or the towns and citys and their streets lit up at night. I found this one man online showing how he gets photo at night then processes them through photoshop. It almost looks like it was photoshoped like copying and pasteing when it really was just a serise of photos and combines to form a single shot.