Copyright on photo’s

As every professional photographer should know that copyright is a big deal. Now most people that post photo’s online don’t know that they should put some sort of protection on their photo’s. I put lot’s of protection or copyright in one photo that if you try to use one of my photo’s I will get an email saying hwho or what is using it. There are ways where you can use photoshop to add a watermark like what most photographers would do and then there is the metadata you can add to it to.

I’m providing a video below that will show you/y’all copyright protection.

About Justin Hornsby

I am a student at Gwinnett Tech. I am currently in commercial photography just starting semester 2. I mostly do nature photography but I also do other kinds of photography just to keep things interesting.

Posted on February 27, 2012, in Tutorials, video and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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