Light Painting

Most photographers shoot at day but almost never at night. The only time photographers shoot at night would be getting that great shot of the milky way or the towns and citys and their streets lit up at night. I found this one man online showing how he gets photo at night then processes them through photoshop. It almost looks like it was photoshoped like copying and pasteing when it really was just a serise of photos and combines to form a single shot.

About Justin Hornsby

I am a student at Gwinnett Tech. I am currently in commercial photography just starting semester 2. I mostly do nature photography but I also do other kinds of photography just to keep things interesting.

Posted on February 4, 2012, in light painting, photography, Tutorials, video and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. This was pretty cool. I want to go back later and watch the rest of it too.

  2. caitlinswhimsicalphotography

    This is a very fun way to learn your shutter speed and aperture. Great post! Ms. Ledford taught us this during our 1st or 2nd semester of school.

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